About Me

I am happy to assist you in improving your handwriting. My classes are characterized by being dynamic and engaging, enriched with literary and philosophical references. My pedagogical approach is distinguished by its clarity and accessibility, ensuring effective and enjoyable learning.

"In honing my practice, I uncovered the powerful fusion of therapeutic writing infused with literature and philosophy. This approach seamlessly integrates expertise with empathy and self-reflection, effectively addressing client needs."

In a tribute to my great-grandmother, Nala, and as a token of appreciation for my husband, Johns, Nala Johns Bibliotherapy Handwriting Services emerges into existence.


"Estoy feliz de ayudarte a mejorar tu caligrafía. Mis clases se caracterizan por ser dinámicas y atractivas, enriquecidas con referencias literarias y filosóficas. Mi enfoque pedagógico se distingue por su claridad y accesibilidad, garantizando un aprendizaje efectivo y placentero.

"Al perfeccionar mi práctica, descubrí la poderosa fusión de la escritura terapéutica impregnada de literatura y filosofía. Este enfoque integra experticia con empatía y autorreflexión de manera fluida, abordando eficazmente las necesidades del cliente.

"Como tributo a mi bisabuela, Nala, y como muestra de agradecimiento a mi esposo, Johns, surge Nala Johns Servicios de Caligrafía Biblioterapéutica."


Throughout my career as a lawyer and writer, I have witnessed poignant stories. From providing assistance to children who have survived armed conflict to listening to confessions of men whose crimes have deep roots in childhood traumas, my path has intertwined with human suffering and the quest for redemption.

I have served as a bridge between disillusioned parents and teenagers striving to find redemption for their mistakes. In these crucial moments, a simple handwritten letter or a biblical or philosophical quote has had a profound impact on the hearts of those who transcend the law and legal regulations: humans.

With this conviction ingrained in me, I have found an endless source of resilience in bibliotherapy and handwriting. Through handwriting tutoring, coupled with the holistic approach of bibliotherapy, I continue my service, guiding others on their journey towards healing and personal growth.

Mis Novelas

Book Synopsis Sobre Magia y Guerrilla

Para proteger la confidencialidad de los testimonios de los niños que fueron víctimas y testigos en casos relacionados con grupos insurrectos, esta historia se ha transformado en realismo mágico. Ha sido escrita con sensibilidad, prestando mucha atención a los sentimientos profundos de los sobrevivientes.


Cuando Penny y su madre están al borde de ser reclutadas por la fuerza para unirse a las filas rebeldes de la Guerrilla Colombiana, emprenden una huida desesperada hacia Bogotá en busca de una nueva oportunidad de vida. Sin embargo, en esta nueva realidad, Penny se enfrenta al temor de descubrir que, precisamente por haber sobrevivido al reclutamiento infantil forzado, algunos adultos la rechazan y la discriminan, aquellos que deberían, en teoría, protegerla.

Mientras tanto, como recurso de supervivencia, Penny se refugia en la idea de poseer poderes mágicos, descubriendo y desarrollando los suyos propios, y lanzando conjuros que desafían a quienes la menosprecian. En su mundo de fantasía, encuentra un refugio que le permite sobrellevar la dura realidad que le ha tocado vivir.

“Spells! Spells!

“I wish I could use my magical powers to cast spells!”

This fanciful statement within her shocking testimony went unnoticed at the insensitively run criminal trial. Though jarring, it possessed the spiritual force necessary to break the time barrier, making me believe that part of my calling on Earth was to share not only her story but also that of a million other children who are affected by war around the world every single day. I would have loved for her statement to have been powerful enough to triumph over the indolence, stagnation and bureaucracy that characterised a legal system allegedly intended to protect children affected by war, the ungratefully dubbed “child soldiers”. That unforgettable proclamation of “Spells! Spells!’, was an eight-year-old little girl’s response to having to give evidence at this trial, using her imagination to heal her post-recruitment trauma. 

The Juvenile Justice Board, which started the legal proceedings against the armed group regarding the crime of forced recruitment, was not willing to show “legal sensitivity” in the face of Penelope’s moving experiences, the girl who inspired this story. Her declarations were filled with imagination, and the court did not consider these magical narratives sufficient. They did not fulfil the minimum guarantees to substantiate the accusation. Therefore, the perpetrators were only under investigation and a criminal procedure could not be opened. 

"I cast a spell on their voices with my magical powers."

Before answering any of the questions, she always used this phrase as a defence mechanism. When returning to the memories of the abuse she suffered she became excessively verbose, couching her experiences in mystical terms to numb the pain. It was this 'fairy tale' version of events that allowed a girl as sensitive as Penelope to share how she was recruited, abused, and subjected to cruelty, in front of so many strangers in court.