Write down your study goals.

So many times, we have heard that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them than those who only think about them. By simply choosing to write your goals down, you have a better chance of successfully completing them.

But it is not just about writing them; it’s about the constant discipline of writing them every single day.

The first option is to trust that by creating a routine, you will have the "constancy" under control. However, the only essential characteristic of life is its dynamism.


So, how can you write down your goals when you can't physically write them down?


There’s an endless list of situations that can arise each day to make you unable to write down your goal. But deeper than not writing the goal is the feeling of disappointed generated by considering ourselves inconsistent or undisciplined.


How do we beat that feeling?

Here are some of my creative tricks to help you write your goals even when the internal and external forces of the universe get in the way.


1. Post ticks

If the parents meeting or the dentist appointment changes your routine and gets in the way of writing your goals, these beautiful, coloured pieces of paper can be a great alternative.

I always carry them in my bag, or inside my agenda with the respective alarm that reminds me to "take a few minutes to write your goal."


2. Pen holder, stickers & post ticks

In strategic places in my house like the bathroom mirror, next to the coffee machine or on my bedside table, I have a pencil holder and some stickers that help me write down my goals when I don’t have time to sit down and write them in my diary. 3. Create your own shorthand

When you don’t have the energy or feel like writing them down, creating your own shorthand code is a great option.

Take the first letter of each word in your goal and write it down.

My only recommendation when doing this is that you consciously think about your goal as you write each initial.


For example, I go jogging with my dog, Matty, three days a week for 30 minutes.

So, my code would be “M&I J3D / 30M E/W.”

To me, this means “me and Matty, jogging 3 days, 30 minutes, each week.”


I try to make my goals simple so they become habits that will lead to having positive consequences for practicing them.

At the beginning of this journey, I always failed by the third or fourth month, so one of my goals was:

I love writing my goals every single day.

So, my code was “Love WG ESD.”

The post ticks all over my house had these codes that only I could understand.

The more you write, visualize, and think about your goals each day, the easier it will be for you to maintain the motivation and focus you need to reach them. Your mind learns by repetition.